
    +91 9130056124



Refrigerators and Chillers

FE Solve supports clients to improve design and manufacturing quality and we offer our expertise and insight to take quality to top level. We help clients in this industry for design, simulation, analysis and manufacturing solutions. Offering product engineering, thermal, impact, handling, die design, DFM, mold flow analysis for refrigerators and chillers.
FE Solve currently expertise in:

  • Ice tray
  • Ice twister
  • Water Dispenser
  • Door handle
  • Compressor
  • Condenser
  • Chillers

Washing machines and spinners

FE Solve supports clients to improve design and manufacturing quality and we help clients to design, develop, validate the parts and components for washing machine and spinners. We provide CAD modeling, product development, flow analysis, impact and handling for washing machines and spinners. FE Solve currently expertise in:

  • Door
  • Spinners
  • Tub
  • Hoses
  • Motor

Air conditioner and other products

FE Solve supports clients to improve design and help in developing new product accordance with market needs. Temperature distributions, air quality and air velocities in large areas must meet special standards. In case of fire, sufficient venting must be ensured in order to clear rescue paths from smoke. Our expertise in this field supports to built up ideal comfort for customer.FE Solve currently expertise in:

  • Compressor
  • Evaporator
  • Condenser
  • Blower
  • Hosing
  • Grills
  • Building cooling

Microwave ovens and grills

FE Solve supports clients to improve design and manufacturing quality and we offer our expertise and insight to take quality to top level. We help clients in this industry for design, simulation, analysis and manufacturing solutions. Offering product engineering, thermal, impact, handling, die design, DFM, mold flow analysis for microwave ovens and grills.FE Solve currently expertise in:

  • Door and door handle
  • Grills
  • Heating Tray
  • Heater


FE Solve supports clients to improve design, styling  and manufacturing quality and we offer our expertise and insight to take quality to top level. We help clients in this industry for design, simulation, analysis and manufacturing solutions. Offering product engineering, impact, handling analysis for Furniture products. FE Solve currently expertise in:

  • Styling
  • Aesthetic Design
  • Product Development